2/19/2016, Part 3 – Looking for an artist to work with!

Hello yet again!

I’ve been thinking.  I’ve got some stories already written.  Wouldn’t it be cool to work with an artist to get the stories illustrated and then published?

Kinda ironing this out but my thought would be you draw, we add it to the story (and I clean up the story, possibly adding a few things here and there), post it on the normal self-publishing sites and then split the proceeds.

If this sounds good, I’d love to get a sample sketch to see if your style works.  Ideally, a quick and dirty sketch from one of my stories would be awesome but if you’d just like to share a sample image from something you’ve already done then that’s cool, too!  …

2/19/2016, Part 2 – Choose Your Own Adventure!

So, I’m going to do a small test here.  A community Choose Your Own Adventure.  We’ll start by voting on which animal to use.  Please choose an option or fill in your own option.  You can vote up to 3 times.  I may toss an extra different TF or something in as well depending.

The poll closes on Monday evening at midnight (PST) and I’ll use the results from that to start.  After that, users can all comment on the post to choose an action.  I’ll take what seems like the most popular option for the next step.  If I don’t get enough votes by Monday evening, I’ll extend the voting period.…

2/19/2016, Part 1 – Writing Block


Writing block.  By now anyone paying attention has noticed I haven’t put out anything in a bit.  It’s not writer’s block but writing block.  I have a story that I’m stuck on and, for some reason, I can’t get past it.  So, I’m going to try my damndest to work on a few shorter pieces or maybe a sketch piece to try to get un-stuck.

I’m also going to stop promising things by certain days and just go back to writing and having something done when it’s done.  Life has been weird lately and it’s throwing me off which then makes me feel guilty and anxious and pressured and THAT keeps me from writing which makes me feel guilty and anxious and pressured… you get the idea.…

Still working!

So, yeah!  Life got in the way a bit and I haven’t had time to finish the current story.  I’ve been plotting out a few stories in the meantime and am halfway done with the current one.  Stuck a little bit on it so I might have to do a “sketch” story just to get something done.  One of those quick and dirty stories that are basically just TF and sex with no rhyme or reason.  Those seem to help me get un-stuck.

Plus, it’s my birthday this weekend!

I will continuously apologize but I am working on stuffs.…

Quick status update


So, apologies for lack of content.  I went through a bit of a blah spot a couple weeks back but then was excited to get stuff done this weekend… except then I got pretty sick Thursday.  Nothing serious but definitely hammered me down.  Feeling a bit better today so I cleaned up the house (which desperately needed it) and finally got my new little workspace up and running.  I’d ordered a second Qnix monitor a while back, cleaned up an extra computer and set it up in my bedroom.  I got the monitor because it’s a 1440 and I wanted to start drawing again with my little cheap knock-off drawing tablet.  …

Destiny Ch. 02

“We’re moving,” Jace said.  He turned to face the small camp.  Lines of sweat rolled down his flushed face.  His actions against the Eliksni had worn him down more than he let on.  Typical.  I was just glad to see a reminder that he wasn’t as unbreakable as he’d always tried to show.  “Tsuni, find whoever is in charge with the refugees and give them directions to the city.  I’ll signal the Tower for an escort  as soon as-“

“You know our orders,” Tsuni interrupted.  “No communication and no deviation until we’ve learned the reason for their movements.  If we call in early or give away our intentions, it could wipe out all the work we’ve done so far.”

Temporarily disabling user creation/commenting.

Looks like I’ve had a ton of fake users join and hit me with a lot of trackback spam.  I’ve disabled user creation and commenting until I can add in Captcha and whatever else is needed to prevent this going forward.

If you have a burning desire to create a new account or comment about something in the 1 or 2 days it’ll take me to do this, email me at olddog78@gmail.com…

Destiny Ch. 01

Sometimes I write other things.  This is a story based off of the Destiny video game.  Probably won’t make much sense if you aren’t familiar with the game.

It’s been twelve days since the last time I died.

My fingers touch the back of my neck while my ghost shifts slightly, as if in sympathy to the phantom pain.  It doesn’t hurt.  Not really.  I just feel like it should.  I always feel like it should still hurt afterwards but, eventually it fades.  Until the next time.

The stiff, dark grass next to my outstretched leg stirs.  The sky is wide and blue and beautiful above me.  …