Oh Hey
No, not dead. My personal life is not the best at the moment and hasn’t been for a while. I haven’t given up writing. Just distracted. Life happens sometimes. I’m quite certain I’ll get back into the swing of things after I find my way.…
TF and Feminization Erotica By Heather Graham
No, not dead. My personal life is not the best at the moment and hasn’t been for a while. I haven’t given up writing. Just distracted. Life happens sometimes. I’m quite certain I’ll get back into the swing of things after I find my way.…
I’m roughly 1,500 into the next story. Bimbofication and possible transgender themes as well. I wrote out a rough outline and now simply need to write the story. I figure it’ll end up being 8 to 10k words but it’ll be as long as it needs to be. I may split it in half but, either way, it should be all finished next week.
Writing is thankfully therapeutic.…
The heavy silence in the old room was finally broken by a tiny ‘clink’ sound as a crystal clear ice cube shifted in a short, heavy glass. Massive velvet curtains blocked all outside light to the room. A huge mahogany desk lived in an oasis of soft yellow light that emanated from dark green lamps. The world beyond was darkness and the pale, overweight man sitting behind the desk looked as if he had lived his entire life in that tiny realm.
A single leather-bound chair faced the monolithic slab of old wood. A much younger, slimmer man sat in the chair, his hand around a thick glass of honey hued whisky. …
I’m sloooowly getting back into a position where I can write again. I just finished posting the heavily revised failed commission so that’s out of the way.
My next piece is (as I’ve said before) a bimbofication story. I’ve been trying to figure out what I want to write for this since it’s not my normal deal (and I don’t plan to make it a normal thing for me) and, this morning, I think I finally figure out what to write :) So, that’s next.
Really hoping that things are settling down and I’m able to start writing more often.…
This is from a commission that I failed to complete on time. Not just failed but spectacularly failed. Chapter 2 of 2 – a short piece where a young woman cursed to turn into a werecat finds herself at her friend’s house the night of the full moon.
Without hesitation or waiting for Julie to move her hand, Amanda leaned down to press her face between her friend’s legs. Julie spread herself wider for her friend’s attentions, leaning back on her hands. Amanda reached around to dig her new claws into Julie’s furry ass in order to hold the woman still. …
This is from a commission that I failed to complete on time. Not just failed but spectacularly failed. Chapter 1 of 2 – a short piece where a young woman cursed to turn into a werecat finds herself at her friend’s house the night of the full moon.
A warm breeze flicked at the heavy pages of Julie’s sketchbook and she yawned, stretching luxuriously in the morning sun. Bones popped in the young woman’s back as she wiggled into the full body stretch, arms raised to the sky. Her jaw cracked, mouth opening wide before she lowered her arms, twisting each joint. …
Sooo… y’all probably noticed not much activity lately. Yup. That’s pretty much true. Life and my day job intruded and I haven’t found the time and mental willpower to try writing late at night. Because, you know, after waking up at 6 am, working a full day and caring for the family, there’s not a lot of brain space left for writing.
I haven’t given up. Yes, I’m late on all the projects I have planned. Yes, I kept talking about how I’m almost done on the commission. Yes, I’m a terrible, terrible commission-ee.
My work project is close to being done and that’ll free up my brain and time a bit and I’ll be able to write again.…
3,000 (out of an estimated 6,000) words into the commission story. Should be done tomorrow. I’ll post a link to the story once it’s done but it won’t be posted here since it’ll belong to the person that commissioned it. I’ll admit I was stuck on it – I’m not used to doing commissions and I sometimes struggle with them.
Then, again, I’ll start work on a bimbofication story that isn’t a simple sketch. Then either a chapter of The Lady Wore Red or Testing Grounds but definitely both of those before a chapter of Sacrifice.
I’m mentally working through the plots of all the stories, including the new werewolf one I’d thought of recently. …
I promise I’m not dead. Unfortunately, as writing is just a hobby of mine (sigh), sometimes life intrudes and so I don’t get as much time to write.
I am still working on the commission and will hopefully be posting new things soon.…
Nothing new today and probably nothing new for a couple days as I take a little break. Kind of did a lot of work with Legal Issues and, since I’m not a full time author, I have to split the time with work and, you know, a real life :)
Anyway! I thought of a nice little werewolf story over the weekend :) So, that will probably be third in line. Commission, bimbofication story and then this new werewolf story.
I think it’ll be pretty awesome. The new werewolf story, I mean. I have ideas on how it could be a little mini-series but I’ll be writing it as a one-shot for the moment. …