Legal Issues – Chapter 3

A young woman visits a farm with intention to make the farmer sell his property. Forces intervene and the woman changes.

Lynn sat up straighter as she looked down her stomach.  Subtle differences in how she saw her body told her that her breasts were different.  At 28 years old, she knew what she should see when she looked at herself.  Her mind picked out subtle differences in the shape and size of her body without relaying the specifics to her.  The effect was almost maddening.  Was she entirely certain they weren’t as full before?  Or whether they hung a little lower or bulged off the side of her body rather than sitting comfortably on her chest? …

Legal Issues – Chapter 2

A young woman visits a farm with intention to make the farmer sell his property. Forces intervene and the woman changes.

I’m posting this as a test in changing my style and methodology. Rather than taking time to write the whole thing (probably roughly 12,000 words) I’m breaking it up into parts. I’m hoping this allows me to get things out faster while allowing me to take a little extra time to work on the separate pieces. Basically shortening my longer pieces for easier consumption.

Two hours later, alone at her desk, Lynn leaned back to rub her tired eyes.  She still felt rested but also distracted and restless and her eyes hurt from staring at spreadsheets and emails; numbers and letters swam on the screen in front of her. …

Legal Issues – Chapter 1

A young woman visits a farm with intention to make the farmer sell his property.  Forces intervene and the woman changes. 

I’m posting this as a test in changing my style and methodology.  Rather than taking time to write the whole thing (probably roughly 12,000 words) I’m breaking it up into three parts.  I’m hoping this allows me to get things out faster while allowing me to take a little extra time to work on the separate pieces.  Basically shortening my longer pieces for easier consumption.  I hope to have part 2 finished tomorrow and part 3 (the end) finished Monday.

Upcoming Things

So, I have a rough list of what I’m doing next.  I posted a poll on The Process forum and got a lot of feedback on what people are interested in seeing so that helped.  Here we go!

1.  My first cow lady transformation!  I already have the idea and everything for it – I just need to write it.

2. A commission for a feline transformation.  I haven’t had a commission in a long time because I figure they aren’t a thing very much.

3. Work on my three main series – The Lady Wore Red, Sacrifice and Testing Grounds.…


So, there’s an artist I like on DeviantArt – wwbot (  Yesterday he made a piece of art that I liked quite a lot:  Today I apparently decided to write a story around it.  I meant to create just a little scene description for him to put under the image but I guess I can’t write short things well.  So, here’s a story for it.  “Shifting.”

“That’ll be $31.23.  Cash or card?”  The cashier asked.

“Oh, gosh, card.  Debit card.”  The young woman answered.  Around her, customers browsed and laughed and made lewd comments to each other while holding up various outfits. …

Jenny – Epilogue

Dave kneeled against the wall as he stared at the two furry women in front of him.  Craig’s smile was lazy as she luxuriated in the effects of the change and the enormous amount of sex the three had.  She kneeled with her thick, muscular thighs open and her long fingers slowly stroking the short fur covering her skin.  Her thick brown tail lay still behind her as she looked at the man.  The smaller donkey girl, John, crouched to the side.  Her black lips were pulled back in the suggestion of a smile; pure hatred mingled with the thrill of retribution being meted out to her former friend.…

Plotting and The Three Series and The Next Thing

If anything new comes out soon-ish, it will probably be a simple “sketch” story.  I have three series (The Lady Wore Red, Sacrifice and Testing Grounds) in the air and I need to plot them out a bit to make sure they’re solid.  So, that’s my next step unless I need a break and I write something quick inbetween.

Which, by the way, I’m still keeping my eyes open for any good suggestions.  Don’t feel shy.

Once I have some general outlines for the the three series, I’ll start writing.  I plan to do them in order unless something happens so The Lady Wore Red chapter 5 will be first.…

A Gift Story – Mass Effect

This is a gift for a friend of mine.  Just a quick little bit of sex set in the Mass Effect universe :)  Hardly any editing or anything so, apologies.

The slow, powerful thrum of the massive ship reverberated quietly throughout the darkened cabin.  A single ice cube shifted with a clink in Commander Shepherd’s glass but the woman barely noticed.  The stress of a thousand daily tasks lay on her shoulders but she set them aside in her quarters.  With her eyes closed, she breathed deeply in and out, clearing her mind of all the mistakes and near-mistakes of the day.