The Isle: Prologue

A mysterious stranger walks a hidden island, searching for his prey

Welcome to my first collaborative effort! I’ve convinced b-ridge ( to write a story with me and after some back and forth, this is what we came up with. It’s my pleasure to work with a talented writer and I hope you enjoy the story as it unfolds! And have fun trying to find the seams between our writing :) 

The peace of the island was broken by a sudden, hot northern wind.

It swept in, pulling at white­-capped turquoise waves to crash against the sheer cliffs. High overhead, a golden eagle shrilled in anger as it tumbled briefly before righting itself, banking hard to find new hunting grounds.…

First Contact

This morning I had a weird dream.  I think because I’d just finished reading a sci-fi book the day before.  Spaceships and fighting and etc… etc… So, anyway, I had a dream about aliens exploring Earth.  And, well, could aliens be infected by werewolves?  It was an interesting dream so I wanted to write it out quickly before I forgot too much or got sidetracked.

Delicate chimes alerted the young female to the impending drop.

Light flared around her as the small ship woke.  Displays gave atmospheric information surrounding the drop zone.  A live holographic representation of her site bloomed before her eyes. …