2/19/2016, Part 1 – Writing Block


Writing block.  By now anyone paying attention has noticed I haven’t put out anything in a bit.  It’s not writer’s block but writing block.  I have a story that I’m stuck on and, for some reason, I can’t get past it.  So, I’m going to try my damndest to work on a few shorter pieces or maybe a sketch piece to try to get un-stuck.

I’m also going to stop promising things by certain days and just go back to writing and having something done when it’s done.  Life has been weird lately and it’s throwing me off which then makes me feel guilty and anxious and pressured and THAT keeps me from writing which makes me feel guilty and anxious and pressured… you get the idea.

Apologies all around.  Blah, I say.

Does this mean I’m going to write one little story every two months?  God, no.  I hope not.  But if life interrupts like it has been and I can’t seem to get something written, there may be some delays.  Just a heads up.

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