So, I’m going to do a small test here. A community Choose Your Own Adventure. We’ll start by voting on which animal to use. Please choose an option or fill in your own option. You can vote up to 3 times. I may toss an extra different TF or something in as well depending.
The poll closes on Monday evening at midnight (PST) and I’ll use the results from that to start. After that, users can all comment on the post to choose an action. I’ll take what seems like the most popular option for the next step. If I don’t get enough votes by Monday evening, I’ll extend the voting period.
This is my first time trying this so be gentle!
Hey, I already voted, and it looks as if I’d be able to vote again with no consequence. This might not be the case, I’m not exactly eager to start poking around and possibly skew the results, but it’s something I felt you should be aware of.