2/19/2016, Part 3 – Looking for an artist to work with!

Hello yet again!

I’ve been thinking.  I’ve got some stories already written.  Wouldn’t it be cool to work with an artist to get the stories illustrated and then published?

Kinda ironing this out but my thought would be you draw, we add it to the story (and I clean up the story, possibly adding a few things here and there), post it on the normal self-publishing sites and then split the proceeds.

If this sounds good, I’d love to get a sample sketch to see if your style works.  Ideally, a quick and dirty sketch from one of my stories would be awesome but if you’d just like to share a sample image from something you’ve already done then that’s cool, too!  I’d want someone with a decent amount of time to work on this with me.  I’m not going to push for an image a day or any BS like that but I’d like to work out a reasonable schedule and put stuff out there.

Email me at olddog78@gmail.com and lets see if we’re a match!

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